The Nathan Abbott Team recently organized a food & supply drive for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. The coastline of New York and New Jersey was devastated and hundreds of homes were destroyed by this relentless super storm.  People were left homeless during the winter cold without heat, electricity, food, and clean water. Our team member, Amanda Abbott, previously lived in Manhattan and had a lot of friends who have been physically helping with the cleanup, clearing out sand and water from people’s basements & homes, and delivering shipments of food, water, blankets, and supplies.  It was extremely inspiring to see the community come together in time of need.  We decided to get involved on our end in Florida and help as much as possible.  The Nathan Abbott Team setup a box at the Destin Office and started to get the word out to all ResortQuest agents as well as friends and family.  In just a weeks time, we packed up 8 boxes of food & supplies and shipped them out!  Also, an entire car load of clothes was donated to our local Harvest House since New York no longer needed clothes donations at this time.  One of the most touching moments throughout this process was the hand written letter that was received by a 12 & 10 year old who organized a blanket drive at their local church to contribute to our cause.  They collected over 20 brand new blankets so people can stay warm in the streets.  The response was incredible and this just shows that when people come together and help with their heart, a lot of good can happen.  We want to thank everyone who contributed as well as those who could not.  The Nathan Abbott Team wishes you a Happy, Healthy, & Blessed Thanksgiving. Take a moment to remember what it is all about…of course turkey and pie, but most of all GIVING!